Sunday 10 July 2011

First Week Class

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone... =)

I think that i am lagging behind in posting my first entry compared to my other friends..

nevertheless, I am going to share a brief information of what we've done during our first meeting of Computer in Education subject with our lecturer, Sir Tengku Norazlan..=)

1. Create an official google and yahoo account
Search for your google or yahoo pages and once you've been redirected to any of those pages, simply click on 'create an account' and you will be required to fill in the form provided. Once you've done, you now have your own yahoo/google account. =)

Meanwhile, to add a signature of yours:
Gmail >setting >signature
Yahoo mail >option >mail option >signature

2. Create an official Facebook account
Go to facebook and fill in all required information. Once you're done, click 'Sign Up' and you will be redirected into new page and just follow all the steps provided. Once you're done, you can start to add your friends, fill in your extra information and join any groups that you want. =)

3. Create our own facebook group
Simply click on 'create group' at the left corner of your facebook page, named your group and start to add your friends into your group by typing their name.

4. Create our own yahoo group
Go to Yahoo! groups page, click on 'start your group' and simply follow all the guidelines provided. You can start adding your friend by sending invitation to their yahoo mail.

5. Create our own blog
Go to and click on 'get started' where you are required to fill in the required information. Once you have create your own blog, beautify your blog by changing the template at the 'design' tab.

Creating an official account for both my gmail and yahoo is very easy as it required simple steps. However, putting a signature for my account might be unfamiliar for me as i've not done it before. I also didn't encounter any problems in creating facebook account and facebook group as i'm an avid user of facebook so i'm used with any of their features..=) In contrast, creating a yahoo group might cause a problem to me as i'm not familiar with it and i find that it is quite complicated to manage and it may take some times for me to get used with it..=) Well, I do have my own personal blog before so I am looking forward in managing my second blog. But more for academic purpose, of course..=) It is very fun doing all the task given despite of our poor internet connection which i can say that sometimes it do give me a headache..=P

that's all for now I guess, bye! 

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