Tuesday 26 July 2011

Week 3a (Web 2.0; Distance Learning- What should be done in Malaysia)

This week we were assigned of doing literature review based on our topic from assignment 1. And not to forget, we have to write a report by using Open Office which, i can say that i'm not quite familiar with. However, once i've installed it in my laptop, it's not that different with our common microsoft word, right?hehe.. anyhow, other than using that software, we were also required to do our literature review by finding our resources from google books, google scholar and even journal from the UKM's library.  What i can say is, it really gives me a new kind of experience as i've never use those google books, google scholar and others. Throughout my period of learning, the only way that i obtained my online material is thru the web links provided by the engine search. That's it. No online materials from those e-books and others. But now I know where can i find those reliable online materials for my future assignments. =)

So, from our first assignment of Web 2.0 in education, we ( me and my partner Salma, as usual =D ) decided to choose the problem arise in distance learning as distance learning is part of the impacts of web 2.0 . After we consulted with our lecturer, Sir Norazlan and were given "green light" to carry out our discussion, we directly search using the search engine and try to find any materials that related to our topic. Thanks to our co-ordinator, Dr. Fatimah for the password of UKM library, it enables us to have an access for journal. Finding online material is not that easy as i'm not really used in reading journal and it may takes time for me to completely understand the content of the journal because you know, it's really in an 'academic form'..hehe..

The report that we've done can be seen in my previous post as i'm not going to elaborate about it here. However, by having this research done, i can finally identify the real situation faced by our students nowadays regarding the usage of web 2.0 applications and steps that can be taken by government especially in order to solve those problems.

I think that's all for this time being. The next assignment should be fun and something new as it requires us to produce a survey! Something that i've never done before. Anyway, just wait for my next entry for that interesting task. Till then, have a nice day! =)

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