Thursday 14 July 2011

Week 2b (Course/Learning Management System) Reflection

Our next assignment was finding out about Course Management System (CMS) and get a deep understanding about it. So, my partner (Salma) and I have decided to discuss about What, Why, Where, Who and How of CMS, the advantages of C/LMS and the list of some open source software for C/LMS. We were then asked to write a report using Google doc and share it with our friends, course lecturer and not to forget, our coordinator. We then uploaded it to our yahoogroups so that further discussion can take place.

Frankly, I've never heard of this course management system and I was so clueless when we received this task. However, as we were guided by our lecturer, Sir Norazlan and done some research, finally i am able to get a grasp about what course management system is. Not to forget, I have received a lot of helps from my partner, Salma and she's the one who explained patiently to me about CMS as it took me quite a lot of time to understand completely about this topic.

Basically, CMS allows us to share any educational materials or interact with others regardless of where you are. It promotes distant learning as it doesn't require you to be in a formal classroom in order for you to received information. And the most important thing that i found out is, you don't have to be an IT expert because using those features provided in CMS is as easy as ABC. 

To prove it, I registered myself in one of the websites of this CMS and to my amusement, a lot of things can be done within that online community. Educators from all part of the world sharing their lesson plans with each other and they even sharing their ideas and thoughts to produce a better lesson plan. Moreover, i also found out that the students are using all the learning materials provided in that websites as maximum as they can. Since we're using computer, the material provided are all enjoyable, fun and very colourful plus making the students interested in learning the subjects. I think that you have to experience it yourself and just register in any of the websites provided so that you too can get benefits from it.

I think that it is really good and beneficial for the educators to know and to maximize the usage of CMS in our teaching. As we are moving ahead with the technology, we can't rely solely on the old fashion learning method which is classroom lectures. Knowing all the new software available that can assist me in my teaching can really help me to keep in pace with the development of technology and I can even applied it in my teaching someday when I am officially a teacher. 

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