Thursday 28 July 2011

week 3b: Online Questionnaire (Reflection)

Today we are required to produce an online questionnaire which related to our literature review that we had done earlier. For a starter, we had to create the questionnaire by using as a pilot test. I had to say that creating a survey is very easy as you just have to follow all the guideline provided. However, to think of a question that need to be asked in that survey is extremely tricky! As this questionnaire's result will help us in our next task of producing a journal, the questions that involved must be as detailed as possible. At the same time, it can't be too long as it will effect the mood of our participants. I mean, me myself wouldn't have a mood to answer a survey that involved a lot of questions and a long answer. So, in order to prevent it from happening, we had to brain storm the questions. To think of a question is easy but to think of a question that can help us in our next journal is kinda of, exhausting. Our questions had been rejected for about 5 times by our lecturer! Every time we got rejected, we have to rationalize our question again and came with a new one. =( It's very tiring to think of a new question every time you got rejected and when you came with a newer question, it was rejected, again.  Nevertheless, in spite of all the difficulties that we faced, i am proudly to announce that we had finally produce our own questionnaire!After we had successfully created the online questionnaire, we then shared the link to our facebook so that our classmates can complete it thus enable us to receive a feedback of that survey. After we had receive all the feedback, the REAL questionnaire were produced by using Google Document. Variety format of questions were being used in the survey. We had also explored the use of Spreadsheet for this online questionnaire and the questionnaire, with it's result were then downloaded as Excel format so that it can be used in our next task which involved with the usage of SPSS. Besides receiving feedback from our classmates, we had also send the link to our coursemates in IPGS. It's like a win-win situation. We had completed their survey and as an exchanged, they'll complete our survey too.

I think that's all for the time being. Again, I had gained and discovered new skills of ICT; creating online questionnaire. =D With that, I end my reflection for this week's task. Have a nice day!

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